Improving student affordability is our highest priority.
Your giving is our receiving, and it all belongs to God.
In the midst of the current economic hardships, the Give to CCU Department helps make a world-class, biblically centered education possible for all students.
Every year, donations to Give to CCU provide access to a more affordable CCU through the following initiatives:
Providing assistance to students who face significant financial challenges. Donations to the Give to CCU help students achieve their dream of earning a Biblical degree while equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-honoring impact.
Educational Improvement
Providing opportunities for faculty research, biblically centered scholarship and the development of new academic programs.
Improving our Online and Brick and Mortar Campus
Providing industry-leading technologies, professional service, community gathering spaces and campus grounds to support the educational experience.
Student Development
Providing students with enrichment opportunities to help them grow and thrive as they pursue God’s calling on their lives to be Pastors, Leaders, and Missionaries.